
Case Studies

Property Management

Case Study:

Property Management

Tila Commercial were instructed by their client, a startup investment fund, to carry out an extensive lease and service charge budget audit. We highlighted various discrepancies including mismanagement of Landlord communal space, incorrect demise plans appended to leases, incorrect treatment of VAT for mixed use assets and incorrect payment of service charge/landlord costs. Tila managed to successfully transition across the mixed-use portfolio and were able rectify the service charge budget.

Case Study:


Tila took on a commercial property that had previously been managed by a residential property management company. After investigation, Tila Commercial found discrepancies in account pre-transfer, including incorrect VAT accounting, service charge funds misapplication and uncollected arrears. We worked to rectify the errors and implemented an improved standard service accounting regime.


Case Study:

Facilities Management

Tila undertook a full mobilisation and review of a property portfolio for one client following our instruction. Our remit was to identify any statutory obligations owned by the client that were not being fulfilled. This included a review of all service providers, their competencies and qualifications, statutory documentation and in-depth site inspections. Following our review, we have been able to map out clearly for our client the operational service requirements, programme all Statutory requirements and provide cost effective procurement on utilities.


Case Study:

Estate Management

Tila were appointed at short notice by liquidators to undertake a fixed term agreement for all FM services on an Estate within the South West region. There had been no services undertaken for a significant period which left the Estate in an extremely poor condition. Following communications with all stakeholders, we were able to procure and mobilise a Service Partner to deliver all ongoing Soft Services, including a landscaping and civils ground work blitz.


Case Study:

Asset Management

Tila Commercial were instructed by their client to open negotiations on a lease due to expire in 6 months’ time. The customer also held a lease to the adjoining unit on the ground floor of a 5 story mixed use (retail and office) property in Leeds. The customer offering contributed to the whole property via a wellness initiative and was a SME start up at inception therefore had limited cash flow to absorb a significant rental increase. Tila Commercial agreed a surrender of both leases. The customer merged the units to provide a more beneficial space and were granted a lease for the new space with fixed uplifts throughout the term. This resulted in an uplift in rent for the Landlord and a space that could be fully utilised by the customer. Fixed wellness clauses were inserted in the lease to the benefit of the entire property and local area and the customer is now able to grow holistically as the rent increases over the next 10 years. The client, customer and local community were all happy with the end result.


Case Study:


Tila Commercial are providing Design for Management, Placemaking, Commercial Property Management and Asset Management on the Eastwick & Sweetwater Development in Stratford, East London. Eastwick & Sweetwater will be a vibrant, dynamic environment, with a customer mix that creates compelling dining and retail experiences, which will ultimately maximise the value of the development. The seven stage development contains 55,000 sq. ft. of retail and leisure and 60,000 square ft. of office space as well as 1,500 residential units within the Olympic Park.